10b match report

 In 1stXV MATCH REPORTS, Junior School, Other Teams

U10B match report vs. Western Province Prep (Wet pups)


We arrived at the Douglas Murray Field in the dark with the flood lights on and a slight drizzle. By the time our game started, the rain had stopped and we ran onto the field ready for action.  Our forwards dominated both the scrums and the breakdowns and we provided good ball to the backline. Our passing was far better this week and we followed our coach’s instructions. We played as a team and scored 6 great tries. Wet pups played hard and we thanked our opponents for a great game. SACS Scored 34-0 and our team left the field feeling very proud. This was our best performance so far this year.


Well done boys! Our blood will always be blue!


SACS Try Scorers – Juan Holscher (2), Daniel Krige, Jamie Smit (2), Josh Wibberley

Conversions – Josh Emslie (2)


Nikos Christodoulou ‘Captain’


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