11b match report against Islamia

 In 1stXV MATCH REPORTS, Junior School, Other Teams

SACS U11B match report vs Islamia U11A, Chukker Rd, Wetton

 We were nervous to start this game as we did not know what to expect playing against an A team and a school we have not played against before. We had 2 players out sick: Ryan (hooker) & Finbar (8th man). Thanks to Mathew Heel who helped out. We started the game with 1 man short which did not calm our nerves.

 Islamia kicked off. Mathew Heel had a suberb run from the half way mark and was tackled just before the try line. He popped the ball to Ben Murray who scored in the corner. This put us on a high note. Our backline scored 6 out of a total of 8 tries which was credit to the way our forwards played to give us some good ball. Special mention to Nic Senekal (flyhalf) who controlled and distributed the ball superbly to have enabled the backline to play so well .

 We won the game 48-0, (29-0 ht) – well done to the boys in blue and white.

 Try scorers:         Ben Murray, Alex Macgillivary, Jack Birmingham, Finlay Frost (2), Callum Anderson, Mathew Hay, Luke Slingsby.

Conversions:      Luke Slingsby (3), Callum Anderson (1).

 Captain: Luke Slingsby



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