13d vs Fish Hoek 13b

 In 1stXV MATCH REPORTS, Junior School, Other Teams

We kicked off into the wind and kept them in their half. We played like that for another 10 minutes until we eventually broke the line and scored. They retaliated well and after many scrums their right wing made a break and ran along the touch line and scored. We than kickedĀ  off and after another huge set of scrums we managed to get over the line. The whistle called for half time and we gathered our 14 man team, we played one man down because of boys that were sick. We received in the second half and about half way through I broke the line and ran a solid distance and then offloaded to my right wing, Teagan van Zyl, just before I was tackled, and Teagan went and scored.We then scored another try by Teagan.

Big mention to Teagan van Zyl, Luke Riley and Marc Codd, from the u12c team, who played as our fullback.


Connor Edwards

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