1stXV Team Stats for Wynberg Fixture

Sihle Lonzi 1 1.76m, 89kgs
Lance Steytler 2 1.76m, 87kgs
Duncan Ferguson 3 1.83m, 104kgs
Tommy Posen 4 1.88m, 87kgs 2nd year in the 1st team
James Brewer 5 1.94m, 94kgs
Dylan Hadzigrigoriou 6 1.73m, 84kgs 2nd year in the 1st team
Liam Larkan 7 1.78m, 95kgs WP Grant Khomo Team 2014, WP Academy Team 2015, WP Touch Rugby
Alex Halvorsen 8 1.90m, 99kgs WP Touch Rugby
Rua-Ees Arendse 9 1.74m, 69kgs
Jordan Chait (C) 10 1.78m, 78kgs 2nd year in the 1st team, WP Academy Team 2015, offered a Sharks Academy Bursary after Kearsney Festival 2015 and also recently a place at WP Rugby Institute in Stellenbosch for 2016
Thomas Waterkeyn 11 1.79m, 78kgs
Kyle Boyd 12 1.77m, 76kgs
Ciaran Dayaram 13 1.87m, 95kgs 2nd year in the 1st team

Contracted to the Bulls Academy for 2016

Tumi Mogoje 14 1.79m, 78kgs Will be attending WP Rugby Institute in Stellenbosch in 2016
Athi Gazi 15 1.73m, 73kgs
Dane Brouwer 16
Seb Schultz 17
Cameron Laurenson 18
Elliot Avery 19
Michael Haasbroek 20
Liam Abrahams 21 WP Touch Rugby
Justin Bendeman 22
Coach: Graeme Wepener                                   Cell:   0728439024 Assistant Coach: Rian van der Westhuizen/Tiger Bax
Kit Colours: Jerseys:                Thin Navy Blue and White stripes           Shorts:                         White                Socks:  Blue with two thin white stripes
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