SACS Percy Montgomery Rugby Foundation
After a recent meeting with the Foundation, we will have in place for the 2015 season a “hospitality” stand for those who contribute towards the SACS Percy Montgomery Rugby Foundation. There will be seating allocated on a designated stand, which will be covered if it is raining. Our host will offer you coffee and snacks and all those who are current contributors via Direct Debits or sign up to contribute via Direct Debit forms will be able to make use of this facility. There will also be other benefits such as complimentary entry into functions organised by the Foundation. We will offer all those contributers a special “SACS Percy Montgomery Rugby Foundation” card. We are planning other specials where one can make use of this card.
If you would like to become a contributor to the SACS Percy Montgomery Rugby Foundation – please click here to get in touch for all the necessary information regarding what the PMF does and also to obtain the necessary form to complete. Remember this Foundation has “PBO” status, so can issue you with a Tax Certificate for your annual contributions.